ISBN: 1847195806
The book is oriented basically to describe the functionality of Oracle Web Center and its relationship with other applications.
This summary does not have the intention to cover all the aspects and solutions offered by this suite, we are going to focus only on themes that involve Web 2.0 solutions.
It is known that Web 2.0 was at the beginning oriented basically to social networking, however, it evolved to enterprise solutions that allow the communication and the ability to share information and knowledge between the members in a company, and it became in Enterprise 2.0 services.
Oracle Web Center Suite is a set of tools oriented to business users and business applications, Enterprise 2.0 services, and social applications; so in this summary we are only referring to the subjects that have relation with the implementation of applications in order to take advantage of Web 2.0 solutions/services in the enterprise and how can it integrate web services to make faster and easier Web 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 applications, in short, the combination of this two elements allow people who work with traditional portals to have the opportunity of implementing new technologies and make their jobs easier.
The Oracle Web Center Services has the capability of integrate the solutions with blogs, wikis, discussions, mail and the most features of Web 2.0 by a single user interface under the concept of a portal, so we can use an Iframe or a Portlet to integrate wikis and blogs with WebCenter. This core is based on Oracle JDeveloper, this tool support solutions based on Enterprise 2.0, so, after that we are ready to develop our custom applications, of course after we installed the Web Center (the installation and all the requirements to do it, is not part of this summary), we are focus on the collaborative themes about wikis, blogs, and how we can implement these applications.
To integrate wikis and blogs to our Web Center we have to be sure that the Web Center, Wiki, and Blog Server are ready to go.
- How to add a Wiki/Blog using an Iframe:
First, we need to create a new application, then we need to add a JSF page (java server face page) to access the wiki/blog, then in the App Navigator launch a New Gallery under the View Controller and create a new JSF page, select a name for it, then include your pages in your Web Center, and move the Inline frame from the Component Palette to the page created, then put the URL as the book describe modifying the “Source” on the Iframe, and we are ready to use the “Start Page” to view the page; the browser shows the Wiki/Blog login page.
- How to add Wikis and Blogs using the Clipping Porlet:
First, we need to integrate a new JSF page into the applications in the same way it was described in the previous section. Then enter the specific URL for the Clipping Porlet in the Oracle Java Producer located in the New connections in the Connections part and click Finish to make the registration, then you need to add the Clipping Porlet from Connections to the JSF Page, the system shows the Clipping Studio page and you need to input the Wiki and Blog Server URL, after that click Start to view the Wiki and Blog page, select the areas you need and save it.
I really think this book shows us that it is possible to integrate a collaborative ways into an enterprise using the appropriate tools.
This was a 250-page book published in 2010, written by Plinio and Ashok. It is available through Safari Books Online